Neither For Me Honey Nor The Honey Bee


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Photographs by Allison Barnes
Published by Great Northern Labs, 2014

In this collection of semi-autobiographical images, photographer Allison Barnes hems together a visual and textual narrative on the constellation of connections that inform the phenomena of our most intimate landscapes. While the images may at times veer from the truth, it is the implication of fact or of a past moment that suggests how our histories become aligned with the history of a site. This point of entry allows the reader to conjure up their own personal geographies, and to consider how significant our experiences are to the value of place. Included are two essays written by the artist, which conceptually link the images to the works of German author W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) and Ancient Greek poet Sappho (630 BCE - 570 BCE approx.). Typically displayed as gelatin silver contact prints from an 8x10 camera, this selection from Neither For Me Honey Nor the Honey Bee has been chosen to specifically accompany the provided texts.